- In the sermon, Psalm 119:49-64 is highlighted for its emphasis on the psalmist’s dedication to God’s instructions and commandments. Reflecting on this passage, how does the psalmist’s view of God’s word compare to your own experience with scripture? (Reference: Psalm 119:49-64)
- Considering the theme of God’s unfailing love, how does the imagery of the starling murmuration (as discussed in the sermon) help you understand or appreciate the nature of God’s love? Can you think of other examples in creation that speak to you about God’s character? (Reference: Psalm 119:64)
- The sermon draws a parallel between the prodigal son’s realization of sin and the hope found in God’s grace. How can this story from Luke 15:17-19 provide comfort and guidance when facing personal failings and seeking redemption?
- The true worth of biblical teachings is compared to a treasured heirloom in the sermon. What are some ways you have discovered the value of Scripture in your own life? Share an instance when a biblical truth became especially meaningful or transformative for you. (Reference: Psalm 119:50)
- In discussing the importance of the Bible in providing wisdom and direction, the sermon references biblical epistemology. How does the Bible serve as your spiritual GPS, and can you share a time when following its guidance felt like hearing a familiar voice welcoming you home? (Reference: Isaiah 30:21)
- The sermon explores the tension between human nature and divine calling through the lens of Psalm 119. What personal struggles or internal conflicts have you experienced, and how has the Bible helped you navigate these challenges? (Reference: Psalm 119:59)
- Mercy, love, and forgiveness are central themes in the sermon. How have you experienced or witnessed these attributes of God in your life or in the lives of others? Discuss ways we can cultivate a deeper understanding and practice of these divine qualities. (Reference: Psalm 119:58)
- The sermon suggests that hearing God’s voice through scripture is more common than many realize. Reflect on Pete Gregg’s statement about being “hardwired to worship” and discuss how you have heard or felt God’s presence in your daily life. (Reference: Romans 1:20)
- Considering the mentor’s advice shared in the sermon about relying on God’s grace, discuss the balance between acknowledging the weight of sin and embracing the hope found in God’s forgiveness. How can this understanding shape our response to others who are seeking grace? (Reference: Psalm 119:76)
- As the sermon emphasizes our role as creators within the Creator’s design, share ways in which you express creativity in your life. How does this creative expression bring you closer to understanding the Creator and your purpose in His design? (Reference: Genesis 1:27)