
Orbit 10 – Being on His team!

*Orbit 10.1* -.Jewish bigwigs are trying to catch Jesus doing something against their rules. But these rules were added by humans to the precious laws of God – Jesus was showing them how silly it is to have these extra rules

*Read* Luke 6 verses 1-11

  • What annoyed the pharisees?
  • How did Jesus answer them? (v3-4 and 9)
  • Jesus said he was Lord of the Sabbath (v5). Who made the Sabbath? So who is Jesus claiming to be?

*Prayer* – Lord, teach me the difference between following rules and following you. 

*Creative* . make a door hanger that says “I follow Jesus”

*Orbit 10.2* -.Jesus chose his close team, but also spoke with all that followed him. His team talks were worth listening to!

*Read* Luke 6 verses 12-26

  • What bad things can Jesus’ followers expect? (v20-22)
  • But what will they also be given? (v20-23)
  • Jesus used words to describe what would happen to those who live for themselves and choose not to follow God…

*Prayer* – What do you thank God for?  Thankful for being treated badly?

*Creative* . add the words “part of Jesus’ team” to your door hanger!

*Orbit 10.3* – Jesus now gets down to some hard teaching. How do we treat those who treat us badly?

*Read* Luke 6 verses 27-36

  • How do we treat those who ill-treat us? (v27-28)
  • There are other ways we should respond – then in v31 how does Jesus summarise?
  • How could you show God’s love to an enemy? 
  • Who do you need to treat differently?

*Prayer* – Spend some time talking to God about how difficult this is – and agree with him to do it!

*Creative* .Add “loves enemies!” to the door hanger!

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