
Who do you say I am – worthy of my worship – Devotional

Day 1:

Reading: Mark 14:3-9

Devotional: Begin your week by reading and reflecting on the story of Mary anointing Jesus with expensive perfume. This account illustrates Mary’s devotion to Jesus and her heart of worship. Consider the depth of her love for Jesus, and ask yourself: What can I learn from Mary’s act of worship? How can I express my love for Jesus in my daily life?

Prayer: Ask God to give you a heart like Mary’s, one that seeks to please and worship Him with sincerity.

Day 2:

Reading: Luke 10:38-42

Devotional: Today, reflect on the account of Mary and Martha. While Martha was busy with household tasks, Mary chose to sit at Jesus’ feet and learn from Him. This passage encourages us to prioritise our relationship with Jesus over the busyness of life. Consider this: Are there areas in your life where you need to slow down and spend more time with Jesus?

Prayer: Ask God to help you prioritise your relationship with Him and to guide you in finding balance in your daily life.

Day 3:

Reading: John 12:1-8

Devotional: Today’s passage gives us another perspective on Mary’s act of worship. It also reveals the criticism she faced for her actions. Reflect on this: How can I stand firm in my faith and devotion to God, even when faced with criticism or misunderstanding?

Prayer: Ask God for the strength and courage to live out your faith authentically, regardless of the opinions of others.

Day 4:

Reading: Exodus 12:1-13

Devotional: Today’s reading recounts the Passover event where the Israelites were saved by the blood of a lamb. This foreshadows Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for our sins. Reflect on the significance of this parallel and the depth of God’s love for us. 

Prayer: Thank God for the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus, our Passover Lamb, and ask Him to deepen your understanding of His love for you.

Day 5:

Reading: Mark 9:30-37

Devotional: Today, consider the disciples’ argument about who was the greatest. Jesus used this opportunity to teach them about true greatness in the Kingdom of God. Reflect on this: How can I cultivate a heart of humility and servitude, just as Jesus taught His disciples?

Prayer: Ask God to cultivate in you a heart of humility and a desire to serve others, as Jesus served.

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