It is easier to think of discipleship just as the practice of daily devotion and attending church, but God’s expectation is for so much more.
Pause and pray
Paul has used ‘therefore’ three times before in his letter to the Romans. In 3:20 – the ‘therefore’ of condemnation (the whole world is guilty). In 5:1 the ‘therefore’ of justification and in 8:1 the ‘therefore’ of assurance. Now we have the ‘therefore’ of dedication.
Read Romans 12:1-21
You give God your body (v. 1). Just as Jesus Christ had to take on a body in order to accomplish God’s will on earth, so we must give our bodies to Christ so that He might continue God’s work through us. The Old Testament sacrifices were dead sacrifices, but we are to be living sacrifices. Of course the danger of living sacrifices is that they keep crawling off the altar!
But Paul calls us to continually ‘present’ our bodies.” It commands a definite commitment of the body to the Lord, just as a bride and groom in their wedding service commit themselves to each other. It is this once-for-all commitment that determines what they do with their bodies. This means that every day is a worship experience and part of your discipleship when your body is given to the Lord.
You give Him your mind (v. 2a). The world wants to control your mind, but God wants to transform your mind. The world wants to change your mind, so it exerts pressure from without. But the Holy Spirit changes your mind by releasing power from within. If the world controls your thinking, you are a conformer; if God controls your thinking, you are a transformer.
You give Him your will (v. 2b). Your mind controls your body, and your will controls your mind. Many people think they can control their will by “willpower,” but usually they fail. (This was Paul’s experience as recorded in Rom. 7:15–21). It is only when we yield our will to God that His power can take over and give us the willpower (and the won’t power!) that we need to be victorious Christians.
You give him your relationships (v. 3-21) We each have gifts and ministries we can be a part of. Let’s be honest about ourselves, evaluating with humility and an awareness of God’s grace. Let’s cooperate with others, let’s participate with love. Let’s build one another up, inspiring each other to grow in discipleship.
Pause and pray
According to Cranmer’s anthropology, “what the heart loves, the will chooses, and the mind justifies. The mind doesn’t direct the will. The mind is actually captive to what the will wants, and the will itself, in turn, is captive to what the heart wants.”
So let’s ask Jesus to change our minds, our wills and most of all our hearts! What are you doing to ensure you remain fully dedicated to Jesus? What are you doing daily? Weekly? On your own? With one other? With others? Let’s make the most of every opportunity to be a whole-life disciple.
Pause and pray
Lord God, thank you for the ultimate example of Jesus. Help me to place myself everyday as a living sacrifice. And Lord help me to grow as your disciple – in my body, mind, will, heart, service, relationships and my whole life!
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Day 5 – Thursday – 7:30pm in The Link
Day 6 – Friday – 7am in Link
Day 7 – Saturday – 9am Intergenerational Prayer Breakfast