Dear friends,
Thank you so much for your support for Harvest India through the curry and prayer evening last Thursday.
It was a privilege to share great food together (Thank you Elizabeth) and to come before God with our prayers for brothers and sisters in India.
Relief efforts continue each day and many 1000s of people have been reached with groceries, utensils, water and now rebuilding is starting where possible. The Harvest India team works tirelessly and are very thankful for our prayers and the £730 we have received directly so far, and been able to send to HI UK (via Alun and Diane Davies) to reach them asap. This doesn’t include any money that was sent direct to HI UK!
This work in Jesus’s name is ongoing so please continue to pray and to give if you have not done so already. The DONA card machine in the CBC welcome Centre is still set up to receive HI donations, and will be available this weekend too.
(Lloyds Bank. Sort code 30-99-20 Account number 01949813)
Bless you, we are thankful for our wonderful family here and around the world.
Sue Brooks and HI team.