
Orbit Week 28 – You lack one thing

Orbit 28.1 – Time for a week of big questions and discoveries! First up is a rich ruler…

Read Luke 18:18-30

  •  Great question in verse 18 – how does Jesus answer it in verse 19?
  • To do enough to inherit eternal life, all you need to do is keep all the commandments, all the time! How well is the man doing? What could Jesus have said?
  • Jesus challenges him to give up his wealth – how does the guy react?
  • It seems impossible – but for those who keep listening and keep trusting what is the great promise? V27
  • Jesus encourages them with a promise of blessing – for when? V30 (look closely)

Prayer – thank God that he is always willing to forgive – for nothing is impossible with Him!

Creative – make a list of all that you have – then put God at the top… what changes could there be if you put God first in all things!

Orbit 28.2 – The one thing lacking here is sight! Notice who is blind in this reading…

Read Luke 18:31-43

  •  Jesus explains things as clearly as possible – but the disciples don’t get it – why?
  • It is like they are blind or deaf to what Jesus is saying – so we get a wonderful example…
  • What does the blind man call Jesus (v38, 39)
  • What does the man want first? And then second?
  • Why does Jesus heal him?
  • What two things does the man do in response? V43

Prayer – pray that your ears and eyes will be more and more open to what Jesus wants to say to you. Thank Jesus for what you have heard and seen so far!

Creative – Play games of follow my leader where the follower keeps telling the leader how great they are…! Reflect on how we can do this with Jesus!

Orbit 28.3 – The Big finale has begun – this is the beginning of the end (sort of end!). What one thing does this short man lack?

Read Luke 19:1-10

  •  What did people say about Zaccheus? Do you think they ever used his name in a friendly way?
  • What was surprising about Jesus’ words & actions?
  • What surprising thing did Zac do? V6 – how did he welcome Jesus? Even though he knew he was working for the hated romans (and he was a chief tax collector) so he may have thought the holy man would have the sternest words for him… what made him welcome him joyfully?
  • How quickly did Zac change v8?
  • One of the top lines in the Bible is how Jesus finishes this story…. Look at verse 10 – read it again and again!

Prayer – Be thankful, joyful and more for the fact that Jesus, the Son of Man, came to seek and save the lost! He looks for us – he saves us… it is not our effort – just a choice to be found and saved!

Creative – Make a poster or display or screensaver or card that says “Jesus came to seek and save the lost”

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