
BMS – Help for the Journey

Jun 12, 2024 | BMS, Mission Partners | 0 comments

This week is Refugee Week – a global opportunity to acknowledge the contributions and challenges of people who have experienced displacement. BMS World Mission encourages you to look out for local arts, cultural and educational events this week but also to pray with us for the millions on the move. Please pray that our partners will provide a safe haven for refugees, where they can be treated with dignity and respect.

Today on Father’s Day, pray for those who are missing or separated from family members by conflict, persecution, disaster, or death. Pray that those feeling the pain of separation will encounter people on their journey who will show love and compassion.

As Muslims mark the end of Hajj with the festival of Eid al Adha, pray for migrants marking festivals away from home. Pray that people journeying towards new lives will find people willing to celebrate with them and share new possibilities for rejoicing.

A group of Ukrainian and other leaders now living in western Europe have recently completed training on cross-cultural leadership. Pray that these conversations will enable the groups represented to develop into flourishing and welcoming multi-cultural communities.

Please lift up the BMS partner the European Baptist Federation. Pray that the EBF Commission on Migration may offer relevant resources and support to baptist unions and agencies across Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia.

BMS contributes to the support of church planters reaching out to migrant communities. Please pray that these opportunities in Tours, Strasburg and elsewhere in Europe will bear much fruit.

Give thanks for the generosity and creativity of churches opening doors and hearts to provide assistance and welcome to many in need!

Let us pray for our own journeys: that we follow where God leads; that we take time to see if others need accompanying; and that we allow others to walk alongside us.

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