Orbit 23.1 – This week we think more about the Narrow Door – who gets through? Who refuses? Who is helped but still refuse? Some even try and tell Jesus he shouldn’t get in!
First passage this week is a tricky one but highlights that some people don’t want to go through the narrow door
Read Luke 13:31-35
- What is the warning for Jesus?
- Will Jesus change his plans?
- Jerusalem is the capital city and Jesus wants to do what for those who live there? (v34)
- Why doesn’t he? (End of v3
Prayer – Lord Jesus thank you that you gather your people and lead them through the narrow door to eternal life. Help me to be humble enough to be willing to let you do this for me, and never to think I know better than you.
Creative – See if you can follow instructions that someone else gives that leads you through narrow spaces – try it with a blindfold on!
Orbit 23.2 – The pharisees think Jesus won’t fit through their narrow door! But Jesus quickly turns the tables…
Read Luke 14:1-14
- Jesus is being watched but does he change his plans to show care and love? (v1-4)
- Where you sit? Jesus says take the humble position – why? (v7-11)
- And who should you invite for meals and parties and picnics? Only those who will invite you in return?
- Jesus seems to suggest that instead of rewards in this life, our rewards will be bigger and better – where?
Prayer – Please God, show me where I can serve those in need. Help me not to look for reward now – help me to think about what you will be giving me for all eternity!
Creative – Do some random acts of kindness – keep them secret – see if you can do them without telling anybody!
Orbit 23.3 – It’s time to make the narrow door a bit wider – have a party and invite lots! In those days you would send out an invite saying “I am going to have a party – do you want to come?” People respond – then you get everything ready for the party – when its ready you tell all those who have responded – it’s time to come!
Read Luke 14:15-24
- Invites had gone out – responses given – now news everything is ready – but people have excuses… why are these silly excuses?
- How does God respond to those turning down his free invitation to a wonderful banquet?
- So who does get invited?
- So is it a narrow door or a wide door? Or is it not the size of the door – but who invites us and what attitude we have?
Prayer – Thank God for his invitation to His Kingdom. Pray for friends who keep making excuses…
Creative – tell each other knock knock jokes!