Orbit 21.1 – Jesus begins to get honest and practical with his followers – firstly he says worrying about life and trust in God don’;t go together
*Read* Luke 12:22-34
- Are you worth more than a bird? A flower
- So what does God do for us?
- V31 – what is the most important thing?
- How does not worrying translate to how we think of money?
Prayer – Ask God to help you find new ways to trust Him more and more and to know that His love for you can more than cover your worries!
Creative – Can you find things that don’t go together – various liquids? Clothes? Magnets? (With magnets, you could also reflect as to what does go together!)
Orbit 21.2 – You are alone in a big house – time for a party? Time to enjoy and take it easy – leaving mess? Or enjoy it but make sure it is tidy for when owner returns!
Read Luke 12:35-48
- Think about these servants – not an easy job – always to be ready! But what does that mean?
- Look at v40 – how does this apply to us?
- How easy would it be to protect your home if you knew when the thief was coming.
- V47-8 How has God been generous with you? So how should you respond?
Prayer – Ask God to help you stay faithful and to keep good relationships with other people
Creative – Who can get ready quickest? Ready for a run, ready for bed, ready for school?
Orbit 21.3 – We live in the 21st century – in the age of internet etc – but we more importantly live between two markers.
Read Luke 12:49-59
- What did Jesus come to bring?
- What will happen to Jesus first?
- These two markers in time – Jesus’ death and Jesus’ return – what is Jesus suggesting for us?
- Why does Jesus talk about the guy who needs to settle things before going to court?
Prayer – Thank God that one day Jesus return. Ask God to help you show love to others even when they are against you.
Creative – Place a marker 2 meters away – another one 4 metres away – can you roll a ball so it lands in the middle…? From where you are it is difficult to see exactly where it is – likewise we don’t know when the second point is near – but we know it is coming