Orbit 20.1 – The Pharisees and Teachers of the Law loved to put big demands on people – you must do all these little things, these big things, follow these rules, so this stuff… Jesus had strong words for them. The words here are not easy – but here we see Jesus telling them they are worse than tombs!
Read Luke 11:37-54
- Lots of times Jesus calls them nasty names – what is your favourite?
- But before we take this too lightly – have we ever made silly rules thinking it would please God?
- How can we make sure our faith is focused on following Jesus and walking with him – doing what He wants us to do?
Prayer – Lord help me to show others that following you is not about following rules – but about following the biggest hero of all!
Creative – how dirty could you make the inside of a cup? Can you leave it for mould to begin growing? Clean the outside really well. Use this as a reminder to come to God so you can ask him to clean the inside.
Orbit 20.2 – Jesus has more hard-hitting words here – warning and encouraging those that follow him…
Read Luke 12:1-12
- V1-3 a warning about being hypocritical (two-faced) – we won’t keep getting away with it!
- V4-7 we can fear people when we should be fearing God – for he is able to do immeasurably more than we can imagine – people can only kill our bodies!
- V8-11 What’s true for those who speak up for Jesus?
Prayer – Lord, help me to stand up and speak out for Jesus – give me courage and thank you that you give me the words to say!
Creative – Can you find or make something that wobbles but doesn’t fall over – as you wobble it – be committed to choosing never to fall over no matter how much you wobble. (And if you do fall – God will pick you up!)
Orbit 20.3 – Jesus tells a parable to continue to highlight what is most important – its not rules, its not fearing people, it’s certainly not money!
Read Luke 12:13:21
- What is the man most worried about?
- What are you storing up? Is it stuff just for yourself?
- How can we be ‘rich in God’s sight?’ (Clue: begin with what a child does to make his or her parents say they are precious?)
Prayer -Lord help me not to focus on buying good things now, but to focus on my relationship with you, which will last forever.
Creative – Enjoy Jesus – put on your favourite worship song and tell / shout / sing to Jesus!