As we start this devotional, spend a moment in quiet asking God to speak to us through this passage this week.
The apostle Paul wrote these words to the Church at Philippi:
“Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” Philippians 2:1-2 NIV
Whenever we see the word “therefore” we have to ask what it is there for. At the end of the first chapter, Paul wrote “whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ,” and goes on to urge us to strive and work for the gospel, even to the point of suffering. Difficult words to fulfil. It’s always good to ask God to highlight areas of our lives which are not worthy of the gospel of Christ. If something comes to mind, be sure to address it in prayer and for God’s help in overcoming.
In the light of this challenge, Paul goes on to ask us if we’ve received anything good, anything encouraging, anything comforting, if there’s anything that comes from the Holy Spirit, then we, the church of Jesus Christ, should be united. We need to share the same love as each other. Jesus demonstrates the ultimate kind of love when he gave up his own life on the cross, for our sakes. The kind of love that serves others, shows patience and kindness, has a gentle response to an aggressor.
Being like minded does mean that we have to think the same as everyone else in the church, but it means that we share the same vision of unity, having one goal to work for the gospel.
Unity isn’t just the absence of conflict, but the presence of love, kindness, patience, generosity. Those qualities that we see so obviously in the life of Jesus.
Take a moment to reflect on how we have known Jesus’s love, kindness, patience and generosity in our own lives.
Are we actively seeking unity in our communities, churches, and relationships? Do we prioritise love and understanding, even in the midst of differences? Let’s make Paul’s joy complete by living out the unity and love that Christ exemplified, bringing glory to God and blessings to those around us.
Let’s pray:
Loving Father God,
Unite your church, here in Cosham, in Portsmouth, in the UK, and unite your church throughout the world. Bring to mind today so many of the blessings that you have given to me through Jesus so that I may worship you throughout today, and throughout all my days.