Day 1: True Worship in Spirit and Truth
Bible Reading: John 4:23-24
“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
Today, let’s reflect on what it means to worship in spirit and truth. Worship is more than singing hymns or reciting prayers; it is an expression of our innermost being directed toward God. As we seek His presence today, let our worship be genuine, a true reflection of our heart’s devotion to Him. Ask yourself: Is my worship focused solely on external expressions, or does it stem from a deep connection with God?
Reflection Question:
How can I cultivate a heart of worship that is both sincere and focused on God’s truth throughout my day?
Day 2: Seeking God’s Presence
Bible Reading: Exodus 33:13-14
“Moses said to the LORD, ‘See, you say to me, ‘Bring up this people,’ but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. Yet you have said, ‘I know you by name, and you have also found favor in my sight.’ Now therefore, if I have found favor in your sight, please show me now your ways, that I may know you in order to find favor in your sight. Consider too that this nation is your people.’ And he said, ‘My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.'”
In today’s reading, Moses seeks God’s presence above all else. This is the heart of worship – a desire to know and be close to God. As we pursue God’s presence in our lives, let us be like Moses, asking God to reveal Himself to us in a deeper way. Consider the ways you can make space for God in your daily routine, inviting Him into every moment.
Reflection Question:
What does it look like for me to prioritize seeking God’s presence above my own desires or ambitions?
Day 3: Honesty Before God
Bible Reading: Acts 5:1-4
“But a man named Ananias, with his wife Sapphira, sold a piece of property, and with his wife’s knowledge he kept back for himself some of the proceeds and brought only a part of it and laid it at the apostles’ feet. But Peter said, ‘Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back for yourself part of the proceeds of the land?'”
The story of Ananias and Sapphira reminds us of the importance of honesty in our relationship with God. Let’s ask ourselves if we are being truthful with God about our lives, our sins, and our struggles. Today, approach God with the simplicity and transparency of a child. He knows us fully and loves us still.
Reflection Question:
Are there areas of my life where I’m not being completely honest with God, and how can I bring these into the light of His grace?
Day 4: Giving God Our Best
Bible Reading: Mark 12:41-44
“And he sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the offering box. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he called his disciples to him and said to them, ‘Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box.'”
Consider the widow’s offering – a heartfelt gift out of her poverty. It’s not the amount we give but the sincerity behind our offering that counts. Reflect on how you can give God not just your resources, but your time and attention – the best parts of your day. Commit to offering God your first thoughts in the morning and your reflective moments throughout the day.
Reflection Question:
In what practical ways can I offer my best to God, demonstrating that He takes precedence in my life?
Day 5: Expecting Transformation
Bible Reading: Romans 12:1-2
“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Sermon teachings often encourage us to expect change as we encounter God in worship. As we offer ourselves to God, let’s do so with the expectation that He will work within us, transforming our minds and aligning our will with His. Invite the Holy Spirit to fill you anew, to guide you into a life of transformative worship that spills over into every area of your existence.
Reflection Question:
What areas of my life need transformation, and how can I remain open to the work of the Holy Spirit in bringing about that change?